The Important Purpose of Oil for Car Engines

Why Do Car Engines Need Oil purpose of oil in car engines

Oil plays an important role in keeping engines running smoothly, making regular oil changes highly important.

Why Do Car Engines Need Oil

Most drivers are likely aware that regular oil changes are necessary to maintaining a healthy vehicle and keeping your car running at optimal levels. What is not always explained, however, is the purpose of the oil in the first place. So, if you have been asking, why do car engines need oil, then we are here to help you find the answer.

The engine in your car is a pretty complex machine. It has numerous moving parts that are all under intense stress. After all, the engine is what provides the power to transport you and your vehicle at high speeds down the highway. So, when your car engine needs oil to function properly, it is important to take regular oil changes seriously.

But why do car engines need oil in the first place? Oil serves a few purposes when it comes to car engines, and one of those purposes is acting as a lubricant for the engine parts. If you have ever felt oil in your hands, you will understand why it works well as a lubricant to keep parts running smoothly.

The oil also cleans your car engine. As the oil is filtered through, it keeps debris from building up inside the engine and keeps it clean, transporting the debris to the oil filter.

Also important is the oils ability to keep the engine cool. There is a lot of heat that builds up inside your car’s engine, and the oil is able to help keep it at reasonable temperatures.

When oil gets old, it loses its effectiveness, meaning that your car will require an oil change. Should the car not receive the care it needs, debris can build up in the old oil and engine, meaning that you could be in for expensive engine cleaning. So now that we have answered the question, why do car engines need oil, be sure to schedule an appointment at Mazda of Lodi for your next oil change on time to keep your vehicle in tip-top condition.